Large Dracaena Janet Craig


Large Dracaena Janet Craig

Sale price$100.00

There are over 100 kinds of Dracaena in the world! With so many unique plants, it can be hard to find the best one for your home or office, but don’t worry – we’re here to help!

After being discovered by “nurseryman” Robert Craig, this cane was named after his daughter, Janet. It is a slow-growing, low-maintenance plant that is native to the tropics of Southeast Asia. Commonly known as the Corn Plant, the Janet Craig has long, pointy, deep-green leaves/stem that matches well with modern, contemporary interior designs. As the Janet Craig grows, the lower, older leaves will drop, and the younger leaves will continue to sprout from the top of the tufts of foliage. Unlike its cane cousin, the bushy Janet Craig will continue to grow taller, but it will still keep the bushy appearance!

Being that it's from a tropical environment, it thrives in low to moderate humidity, medium to indirect bright light, warm temperatures, and slightly moist soil. The large Janet Craig comes in a 10” pot, making these plants a great option for any space in your home that is well-lit but doesn't get direct light. These plants are happy in most residential and office environments, making them an excellent easy-care addition to any space that needs some greenery. Dracaenas are considered toxic, so keep these plants out of reach of any curious pets or children.


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