Very tall indoor floor plants (7-10ft tall)
Want to pick your exact Big Plant? Hop on a video call & we’ll show you around our greenhouse! Then we’ll ship your chosen plant with freight shipping (on its own pallet—no jostling, no smushing).
Tall indoor plants: Pick out your big botanical bestie
Plant size is a perennial debate, but we think it’s an easy choice: Big Plants are the best plants. Here’s why…
Tall plants look cool. Really cool.
Big plants have presence, like a king or a celebrity or your mom when she’s mad. Except your plants are always cool as a cucumber.
(Sadly we don’t sell cucumber plants, but if you want a plant that bears edible fruit, try the Calamondin tree or the Prickly Pear.)
A 10-foot Kentia Palm can take a plain room and make it vibrant and lively. A Fiddle Leaf Fig is automatically the star of the room, drawing everyone's attention like a diva while adding depth and character.
Big plants are easier to care for, because they’re already well-established
You’ll look like a really impressive plant parent. “You can keep a tree alive in your living room? My Pothos died the week after I bought it!” But it’s a trick. Big plants are actually easier (in general) and less fussy. They’re already healthy and settled in.
We’ll tell you exactly how to care for your indoor plant, and all you need to do is keep it chugging along.
There’s a significant exception: Fiddle Leaf Figs are fussy no matter their size. But they’re worth it.
Big plants are air purification champions.
If you put a desktop Jade plant and a full-grown Janet Craig Cane in the ring together, Jade vs. Janet, Janet will come out the victor every time (sorry Jade). Her air purification powers are next-level. All plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, but bigger plants have more leaves and/or bigger leaves, so they simply do it better.
They can filter out nasty stuff like:
· formaldehyde
· benzene
· many other toxins
· mold
· extra moisture (which can cause mold)
Your indoor environment is juuust a bit healthier less of that junk.
Tall indoor plants are keepin’ it cool,
even in the heat.
Big plants can cost more than small ones, but they’re a smart investment. Through a nifty biological process called transpiration, plants release moisture into the air, and that can cool things down a lot better than air conditioning alone. A pretty plant can save you a pretty penny, and it also reduces your carbon footprint.
To double down on this investment angle, buy a money tree. They’re said to bring you good luck financially.
Big plants are a big help for your mental health.
It’s not just because you love plants and buying plants makes you happy. It’s deeper. Being around plants can lower your stress, lift your mood, and support your wellbeing. It’s science.
And it’s easy. You don’t have to lift a dumbbell, walk around the block, meditate, or drink another glass of water—just look at the big plant you purchased, and you’ll get a boost to your mood.
(Yeah, you should do all that other stuff too. But it’s easier when you feel better, so maybe start with the plant.)
You could buy a dozen dinky lil’ small plants, or you could buy a few tall indoor plants and make a real impression on yourself. (It’ll make an impression on your guests, too. But a word of warning: They’ll feel so relaxed at your place, they’ll keep coming back.)
Big plants can help you feel more connected to nature, which is nice if you're in the middle of a city with limited green spaces. Plus, you don’t even have to leave your home.
Tall plants soak up noise and even give you a little privacy.
Large plants’ bigger, thicker, more numerous leaves can absorb more sound, making your space a bit quieter and more peaceful. This is helpful if you have an open floor plan, if you and your partner both work from home, or if you have clamoring children or a wife who snores.
Long-term friendship is on the table.
Errr, on the floor.
Big floor plants tend to live longer than small plants. If you’re a good plant parent, they’ll thrive for years—sometimes decades—and become long-term companions in your home. You won’t have to buy plants as often, either.
Here are all the great questions we get about big plants!
What is the easiest large plant to grow indoors and keep alive?
Anyone can keep a Rubber Tree alive indoors. Green thumb, brown thumb, black thumb, periwinkle thumb—the Rubber Tree doesn’t discriminate. And it doesn’t die. Pafe’s Rubber Trees reach 8 feet tall, and they’re not even done growing.
What is the toughest big indoor plant?
The snake plant is the toughest big houseplant. It tolerates a lot of different light conditions--including VERY low lighting. It’s even drought tolerant, so if you forget to water it for a while, it’ll forgive you and keep looking beautiful.
Most succulents are small, but snake plants grow straight upwards. We’ve grown snake plants up to 5.5 feet tall.
What large indoor plant doesn't need a lot of sunlight?
The parlor palm doesn’t need a lot of sun. It can reach six feet tall, even in low indirect light. Its leaves are plentiful and thickly clustered, so it’s ok if each leaf captures only a teensy bit of sunlight.
What is the easiest flowering indoor plant to grow?
The Calamondin tree—a unique citrus—flowers indoors (often year-round) and smells amaaaazing. The flowers are followed by delicious tangy fruits! Check out our Calamondin cocktail and make your parties legendary. She likes bright indirect light and moist soil.
What is the best tall plant for a corner?
The ZZ plant is perfect for any corner. Whether your corner gets bright direct light or straight-up shade, Mr. Z will be perfectly happy. He’ll keep growing taller and taller. Put him in your bedroom and you’ll get more Zzzz’s.
What is the largest indoor tree?
Our biggest indoor tree is perhaps the Kentia palm—it’s ten feet tall. And it’s super tough. Drought or low light? Rough handling? Drafts or dust? No worries, baby. Kentia keeps growing, and she can live for decades.
How many plants should you have in your living room?
There’s a very clear answer to this question: more. You should have more plants in your living room. Plants purify the air and make people happy. And there are really no limits on air purity or human happiness.
This applies whether you have none, one, or 37 plants.
Is it ok to sleep with big plants in your bedroom?
It certainly is ok to sleep with big plants in your bedroom, for three reasons. One, plants purify the air, which can help you sleep. Two, plants set a relaxing mood, which can help you fall asleep faster.
And three, people who own tall indoor plants are awesome, so you can fall asleep feeling good about yourself.
What is the most low-maintenance big houseplant?
The cast iron plant is the most low-maintenance big houseplant. It’s as tough as, well, iron. If you forget to water it, it’s ok—it’s drought tolerant. It even thrives in low light rather than finding it upsetting.
Which large plant is best for mental health?
Really any tall houseplant can benefit your mental health, but we’d like to put in a good word for the Bird of Paradise. Its extravagant blossoms could lift anyone’s mood. And it’s satisfying to grow because it gets pretty tall.
Our biggest Bird of Paradies is 9-10 feet!
What tall plant is best for a bedroom?
The ZZ plant is a fun tall plant for a bedroom. It purifies the air, and it’s nearly indestructible. Best of all, it has a funny name. Put it by your bed and you’ll catch some extra Zzzz’s for sure.
Which is the luckiest big indoor plant?
The Money tree is well known for bringing good fortune, both the luck kind and the $$$ kind. Its intertwined trunks are said to catch good luck and keep it contained in your house. It practically pays for itself.
Another good option is the bamboo palm. Its fast upward growth reflects your rise to the top in your career.
Can big plants survive indoors?
Big plants not only survive indoors, they thrive. They’re protected from most pests, bad weather, variable temperatures, and trespassers who want to steal your Calamondin fruits. If you’re worried about low lighting, try a pretty parlor palm.
Can you put a big plant in the bathroom?
A big cast iron plant thrives in the bathroom. It likes moderate to high humidity, so long hot showers are a-ok. It’s happy even in the shade. It can even tolerate dust, smoke, and… other types of unclean air.
For more ideas, read our article, 14 Bathroom Plants That Like Heat, Humidity, & Low Light.
How do you repot a large indoor plant?
Wait till spring or early summer—the longer, brighter days will help your plant recover faster. Pick a pot that is only 1-2 inches larger than your current pot. Make sure it has drainage holes! Use an indoor potting mix.
Martha Stewart has further instructions for the actual pot-switching process.
Do big plants grow better indoors?
Many big plants grow better indoors because they’re protected from outside factors. Pests. Winds. Too much rain. Fluctuating temperatures. Jealous neighbors. If you keep your plant inside, you can give it a good life (and it’ll return the favor).
What do plants need to grow big and strong?
To grow big and strong, plants need the correct lighting, ranging from shade to direct light. They need to be watered at the right times (it’s different for each plant). They need the right soil (e.g., succulents need special soil).
They also need fertilizer specific to their type of plant. And they need you to love and admire them!
Where to put large indoor plants?
If you’re wondering where to put your large indoor plants, it depends on the lighting. With a bamboo palm, try a dark corner. If you have a Bird of Paradise, put it by any window except a south-facing one.
What to do when a plant reaches the ceiling?
When a plant reaches the ceiling, prune it at the top. Cut the stem or trunk at a diagonal to take off a foot or two. You can propagate the part you removed and have a brand-new plant.
That new plant will also grow so tall that it’s annoying.
How to stop tall plants from falling over?
If your plant is falling over, then it doesn’t have the right size of pot. Get a bigger pot, and the increased weight will better balance your tall indoor plant so that it finally stops falling over.
Plus, your plant will have a healthier amount of soil and more room to grow.