How to determine your light condition?
If you are wondering what type of light a certain part of your apartment receives, you are not alone. Here's a description of the phrases associated with light conditions;
- Indirect bright light- probably the most common phrase used when informing a plant's light requirements, because it is a sweet spot for virtually all tropical houseplants and some succulents. This phrase is used to describe a spot that is simply bright but doesn't have intense sun beaming at the plant. However, most indirect bright light plants can handle under 4 hours of direct bright light a day.
- Direct bright light- a spot that receives at least 5-6 hours of intense sun hitting the plant.
- Medium light- a spot that can't be confidently described as "bright". This spot is more dim than bright but is definitely not dark.
- Low light- a spot that receives very little light or just no light at all (think of a basement).

You can also measure light levels using light meter tools. Light meter tools measures light levels by Lux or Foot-candles. Light meter tools can be installed through your smartphone or can be bought online. When using the light meter tool, remember to point the device towards the light and not the plant. Also take the measurement at the brightest time of day.
* 1 Fc = 10.8 Lux
Here's what your final measurement mean:
5-75 is low light
75-200 is medium light
200-1000 is indirect bright light.
1000+ is direct bright light.
For any further questions, please contact us.