Large (Bigger) Monstera Deliciosa

*height measurements from the ground up


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The Monstera Deliciosa is probably one of the most popular houseplants right now. Originally found deep within the tropical forests of southern Mexico, the Monstera boasts huge, heart-shaped leaves with characteristic splits and holes. These cutouts are the reason behind their nickname: The Swiss Cheese plant. The “deliciosa” part of the plant’s name comes from the pineapple-like fruit it bears when it's in the wild! 




These plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight and temperatures that remain consistently between 65 and 75 degrees. Be sure that the light isn't directly hitting the leaves – too much direct light may burn the foliage. In the summer, we recommend giving the plant "sun baths": set the plants outside for a few hours on a nice, sunny day for a burst of extra sunlight to encourage lush growth. While indoors, rotate your Monstera periodically and dust the leaves so the plant can photosynthesize equally on all sides. 


Monstera are tropical plants, so they enjoy a lot of water, but hate when their roots are wet for too long. Wait until the top half of the soil is dry before a thorough watering, and make sure all excess water is drained away from the soil.
These plants love the humidity! Place a pebble tray under the pot or place a humidifier nearby, and mist often. A sign that your plant is longing for a little more humidity is brown tipping on edges of its leaves, a dry papery leaf texture, or curling leaf edges.


Prune away any old, yellowed, or drooping leaves at the end of each growing season. You can trim aerial roots if they get too unruly for the space, but we recommend leaving them be or, at the most, tucking them back into the pot. In the right conditions, your Monstera will grow about 1 to 2 feet a year. Repot it once every two years in a pot that is at the MOST 2 inches larger than the last pot.

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Worth every penny & your investment keeps growing

HUGE, Fully Grown, Beautiful Plants. Without The HUGE Price Tag

Lots of online plant shops that offers "big plants" cut corners and end up delivering medium-sized plants, squished into boxes that are too small.

At Pafe, we pride ourselves on delivering fully grown plants–literally 7-10 feet tall and up to 6 feet wide. They're packaged with plenty of space, so they don’t get damaged.

That’s why our pricing reflects the true value of what you’re getting—unlike competitors who leave you with underwhelming, undersized plants. 

Still unsure? Book a call for a personal, live, virtual tour of our greenhouse, and see the stunning giants for yourself!